Enter Chard Street Fayre 13th September 2025
The Chard Carnival Street Fayre will be held at Holyrood Street on September 13th between 9am and 4 PM. The event will have loads of live entertainment.
Please note due to feedback from last year, we will NOT be using the Lace Mill this year, and slightly scaling back on the amount of stalls on Holyrood street
For a potentially lucrative spot for YOUR STALL. Space for 2025 is limited to the first 50 stall holders on a first come first served basis.
Prices will be held as last years and must be paid on completing the form - no payment means no entry.
- Charity £16.50
- General £26.50
It will also be well advertised through social media, posters and street signs ensuring 1000'S of people visiting your stall. Enter now.
Please read our Terms and Conditions before booking.