Brian's Bingo night - 6th October 2022.

Thursday evening saw newcomer to the committee, Brian organised bingo.

The room by 7.15pm was filling up nicely with just under 50 people in attendance.

Abbie and Tina in the kitchen did a wonderful job serving hot drinks

The people on this table all won, with one winning two houses in a row

 Claire did an excellent job calling Brian's bingo

Zak and Jason on book sales, taking a breather.


Half time saw the Carnival Royalty called into action.

Cohen doing an excellent job calling the raffle.

Finishing off with Brian checking off the last house of the night.

And to cap off excellent evening, £302 was raised to ensure the future of Chard Carnival.

The Carnival Committee is doing their bit to ensure the future of Chard Carnival.

Please make sure you do yours!

  • Save your change for the collections on carnival night
  • Enter our monthly draw the 100 club here
  • Donate as little as £3 online here



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